
Recent places windows 7 not working
Recent places windows 7 not working

recent places windows 7 not working

Note: You will likely need to have a script periodically update the modified (or accessed) date on the shortcut you create, so it will stay "Recent", but we can jump off that bridge once you get a shortcut to display in "Recent Places".just know that "once you get it working", there's (probably) more to do to "keep it working". Just place a shortcut (to a folder) there & try it! Like the 50 (or less) most recent items (only folders? ), used/accessed in the last day or week.Įh?.so, "Recent Places" is probably using the contents of "Recent Items" to get it's results. How to Fix When File Explorer Quick Access Is Slow or Not Working In Windows 10/8/7 TutorialLocations:AppDataMicrosoftWindowsRecentAutomaticDestinati. But it very well could be a "limited view" of the "Recent Items" folder.

recent places windows 7 not working

I'm not sure where "Recent Places" comes into play, as I haven't seen a screenshot of that. So "Recent Items", probably really is located at C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent it's just that the "real" folder name is "Recent" & the UI "Pretty Name" is "Recent Items". Windows likes to lie about "Special" folder's names. In Recent Places I have 39 items (all folders).since everyone's so screenshotty, can you show me a screenshot of "Recent Places"?

Recent places windows 7 not working